Thursday, Oct. 3, EMU Miller Room      

9:00-10:00 “Historical Materialism as Hermeneutics in Herbert Marcuse,” Oscar A. Ralda (Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon)

10:15–11:15 Invited Paper: “Decolonial African Thought and Hermeneutics,” Michael Stern (German and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oregon)

11:30–12:30 Key Note I: “Understanding and the Political: Lessons from Arendt and Gadamer,” James Risser (Seattle University) 


1:30 Words of Welcome, Dean and Head of Department

1:45–2:45 Invited Paper: “Accounting for an Assumed Responsibility,” Peter Warnek (Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon)

3:00–4:00 Key Note II: “Diversifying the Canon of Hermeneutics”? Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University)

Reception 6:00–7:30, Civic Winery

Friday, Oct. 4, University of Oregon Library, Browsing Room                                 

9:00–10:00 “Interpretation in Kristeva’s ‘Psychoanalysis and the Polis’,” Ricardo Friaz (Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon)

10:10–11:10 Hans George Gadamer Essay Prize: “Hermeneutic Justice in Miranda Fricker and Hannah Arendt,” Magnus Ferguson (Boston College)

11:15–12:15 Key Note III: “Interpreting Silence?” Charles Scott (Penn. State)


1:15–2:15 “Gadamer and the Nature of Language: Hermeneutics and Chinese Aesthetics,” Andrew Fuyarchuk (Hanson College, Yorkville University)

2:30- 3:30 Invited Paper: “Folds and Fragments of the Desert: Lineages of ‘Border Arte’,” Omar Rivera (South Western University, Texas)

3:45 Business Meeting

Open Dinner

Saturday, Oct. 5, Graduate School Lounge, Susan Campbell Hall                           

10:00–11:00 Panel Session: 1. “Hermeneutics … Beyond Philosophy,” Abram Fernandez (University of Oregon); 2. “Ethical Hermeneutics/Hermeneutical Ethics: Some Reflections on a Pedagogy of Kindness,“ Caroline Lundquist (University of Oregon);  3. “Art of Interpreting Landscapes,” Annie Ring (University of Oregon).

11:15–12:15 Invited Paper: “Hermeneutic Practice: What Gadamer has to Teach Nursing,” Nancy Moules (University of Calgary, Chair of the Canadian Hermeneutic Institute)


University of Oregon Library, Browsing Room      

1:30–2:30 What Gets Fused in Fusion of Horizons,” Greg Lynch (North Central College)

2:45–3:45 Invited Paper: “Nietzsche and History,” Jason Winfree (California State University)

4:00–5:00 Book Session: Words Underway: Continental Philosophy of Language by Carolyn Culbertson (Florida Golf Coast University): David Vessey (Grand Valley State University) and Jessica Elkayam (Sam Houston State University) 

Closing Banquet 6:30-8:30 pm, Excelsior Inn