Final details

Here are a few final details for the conference
beginning this Thursday.
First, many of the papers are available online at
It is always our hope that the papers will be read ahead of time as that helps
facilitate and elevate the conversation. 
Second, the text session on Thursday during
lunch will be a discussion of the final ten pages or so of Gadamer’s 1988 essay
Plato as Portraitist.” 
Third, it
is customary for all program participants and attendees of the NASPH meeting to
register and pay the registration fee (students: $10/professionals $25/free for
BC faculty and students) in order to offset BC’s expenses for the refreshments
and receptions. Online registration is available at
you may register at the meeting. 

Finally, if anyone will be driving, plans to park on campus, and wishes to take
advantage of the discounted parking rates for the NASPH meeting ($10/day), it
is necessary to prepay for parking at least two days prior to the meeting, that
is, by Tuesday, 9/13, to allow the Parking Office time to make special
arrangements. This can also be taken care of online when registering.