NASPH 2008 – 3rd Annual Conference

NASPH will hold its third annual meeting on Sept. 26-27, 2008, hosted by DePaul University, Chicago, IL. The keynote address will be given by Georgia Warnke of the University of California Riverside. Other invited speakers include Fred Dallmayr of Notre Dame University and Lawrence Schmidt of Hendrix College.

NASPH at SPEP 2008

We are very pleased to announce an affiliated society meeting at this year’s SPEP, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The session will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 16th, in the Marquis C room at the Pittsburgh Marriott.

Our program will begin with a discussion of recent dissertations in the field of hermeneutics. If you have recently completed, or are nearing completion of, a dissertation in hermeneutics, please let us know so that you can be included in the panel. Then, starting at 10:00 a.m., we will present a session on Gadamer and Brandom, featuring papers by Cristina Lafont (Northwestern University) and Lauren Barthold (Gordon College). If you will be attending SPEP this year, or if you live in the area, please plan to attend this session and participate in the discussion.

In addition, we hope to convene an informal lunchtime meeting at SPEP of graduate students currently working in the field of hermeneutics for purposes of networking and information sharing. Please let us know if you would like to participate in this discussion, and watch this space for further details.

Here is a link to the complete SPEP program.

Program for NASPH 2008

September 26-27
DePaul University, Chicago, IL

Tentative Schedule

Friday, September 26

9:00am Welcome and Coffee

9:15-10:30 Presenter: Kurt Mertel, Queen’s University, “Gadamerian Themes in McDowell’s Recent Philosophy”
Commentator: TBA
Moderator: Jamey Findling, Newman University

10:45-12:00 Presenter: Robert Valgenti, Lebanon Valley College, “The Forgotten Lineage of Hermeneutics: Critique, Deduction, and Principle Formation”
Commentator: Andrea Rehberg, Bilkrent University
Moderator: Ted George, Texas A&M

12:00-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:30 Invited Speaker: Lawrence Schmidt, Hendrix College, “Critique: The Heart of Philosophical Hermeneutics”
Moderator: David Ingram, Loyola University

3:45-5:45 Keynote Address: Georgia Warnke, University of California, Riverside, “Hermeneutics and Critique”
Moderator: Lauren Swayne Barthold, Gordon College

6:00 Reception, DePaul Philosophy Department

Saturday, September 27

9:00am Coffee

9:15-10:30 Presenter: Nikolay Tugushev, Stony Brook, “Structuralism, Hermeneutics, and Translation: Performance of Sameness-in-Difference”
Commentator: TBA
Moderator: TBA

10:45-12:00 Presenter: Peter Fristedt, Stony Brook, “Gadamer and the Paradox of the Sache”
Commentator: Monica Vilhauer, Roanoke College
Moderator: Walter Brogan, Villanova University

12:00-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:15 Presenter: David Vessey, Grand Valley State University, “The Role of the Concept ‘Person’ in Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics”
Commentator: TBA
Moderator: Bruce Ellis Benson, Wheaton College

3:30- 5:00 Invited Speaker: Fred Dallmayr, University of Notre Dame, “Hermeneutics and Inter-Cultural Dialogue”
Moderator: David Pellauer, DePaul University

6:00 Banquet, Sun Wah Chinese BBQ, 1132 Argyle ($20.00/person)

A printable version of the schedule is available here.